2011: the year of the “Golden Rabbit” – sources say that this will be a great year for my “Metal Monkey” (how fitting, considering my occupation) and I’m inclined to agree. Three new collections in the works, a potentially huge opportunity on the horizon and given of all the custom Bridal work I’ve taken on over the past 7 years, this year I’ll be designing custom Bridal dressings for two of the loveliest ladies. You see, I’m always requested to design one-of-a-kind pieces for wonderful women worldwide however, these two are something special: my phenomenal friend Debra, who happens to be an amazing photographer, mother of two, fellow Scorpio, friend of 17 years and a beauty of a bride-to-be and then there’s my whipsmart, hilarious and gorgeously unique friend of 24 years, Laura. To create a custom piece is in itself one of the most enjoyable aspects of my creative endeavors… to create custom pieces for such complex and original women, even more-so.

Although I’m most certainly not one to fall into the category of ‘pink, princess, bride’, I do adore bearing witness to the real-life love stories unfolding around me. People who, seemingly seamless in their compatibility, love and mutual respect for one another, deciding to commit in the most profound and deepest of ways. To be requested to take part in this, such a personal and significant experience which will shape the lives of these amazing people forever, is quite the honor and also, quite the inspiration. Two crazy/awesome ladies with wildly different sensibilities and very distinct and unique preferences will be adorned and supported by Harlow in Chains (and in these cases: Jeni Jaques) on the most important day of their lives. These two are personal, and I can dig it.
I’m nothing short of blessed in this arena. While I’m sifting and sorting through the endless stream of rubble in which I’m to find my inspiration for creating this year I won’t be lacking for it here, as these two lovelies are inspiration all on their own.
Until next time and with love (which is all that counts, really)…